
Pea flour could restore gut microbes, help malnourished children to gain weight

Cowpea-based foods protect the gut microbiota, helping malnourished children to grow stronger. A new study published in Cell Reports Medicine claims.

Gut microbes could influence the health effects of Mediterranean diet

The gut microbiota make-up could determine whether a person will benefit from the beneficial effects of the Mediterranean diet.

How dietary fiber helps the microbiota to recover after antibiotic treatment

Dietary fiber can influence the production of several microbial metabolites that may modify the human gut microbiome and, more in general, health.

Imbalance in gut microbes may contribute to anorexia

Some studies have underlined some differences in the gut microbial composition of people with anorexia and healthy individuals.

Ketogenic diets could alter the gut microbiota, reduce inflammation

A new study, published in Cell, suggests that ketogenic diets could be used as a therapy for autoimmune disorders of the gut.

Fermented foods could be a source of health-promoting bacteria

Fermented foods such as yoghurt and cheese could be a source of health-promoting bacteria, according to a new study.

Underfeeding and antibiotics alter the gut microbiota and impair nutrient absorption

A new study, published in Nature Medicine, suggests that changes to the microbial community in the gut could influence nutrient metabolism.

Dietary fibers could alter the gut microbiota, benefit human health

A new study could inspire the use of dietary fibers to manipulate the gut microbiota and its functions, with beneficial effects for health.

How gut microbes adapt to sugars and sweeteners

Researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine reviewed the body of evidence that shows how added sugars and sweeteners shape the gut microbiota.

Consuming pomegranate changes the skin microbiota, protects from UVB-induced damage

Consuming pomegranate can alter the skin microbiota and confer resistance to UVB-induced damage, a study published in Scientific Reports claims.

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