
Supporting women’s health through menopause: probiotic insights from IFF Health

Exploring probiotics for menopause with Maider Gutierrez, Business Development Lead for Women’s Health & Healthy Aging, IFF Health: solutions to support women's health and manage symptoms effectively.

Consumer behavior in probiotic consumption

MicrobiomePost carried out a research analysis in collaboration with Analytics Arts to find out more about the motivations and frequency of probiotic consumption and the level of consumer information.

Innovative Frontiers: AI-Driven Approaches to Microbiological Analysis

An open discussion about the future of microbiological analysis through AI integration with Franco Pirovano (Micro srl) and Federico Pirovano (Dynius).

World Microbiome Day 2023: Microbes and Food

Together with Professor Lorenzo Morelli we focused on the significant role of diet and the microbiome in terms of health benefits, food production, and agri-industry systems.

Postbiotics, from bench to bedside

An open discussion about definition, clinical trial design and fields of application of postbiotics with Maria Rescigno, Professor at Humanitas University of Milan.

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