Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 6594 (Probi® Rhamnosus 6594)


Several studies have shown that Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 6594 (Probi® Rhamnosus 6594) can survive and persist in the gastrointestinal tract in humans. The strain was even recovered in the faeces in nearly all subjects up to 15 days after administration. Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 6594 (Probi® Rhamnosus 6594) has been shown to support the immune system, as well as improve general gut and overall health status in children as young as 11 days of age, up to adults.

Scientific reference(s)

Ahrné S, Johansson M-LandMolin G. (1995) Intestinal passage of LactobacillusrhamnosusDSM 6594 after oral administration in fermented milk. Netherlands Milk and Dairy Journal.49:201-206.

Nobaek S, Molin G, Berggren A, Nyman M, Björck I and JeppssonB. Administration of Lactobacillus rhamnosusDSM 6594 in fermented milk to patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Probi AB, Lund (in manuscript).

Johansson M-L, Molin G, Jeppsson B,Nobaek S, Ahrné S and BengmarkS.(1993) Administration of different Lactobacillusstrains in fermented oatmeal soup: In vivocolonization of human intestinal mucosa and effect on the indigenous flora. Appl. Environ. Microbiol.59: 15-20.

Rask C, Adlerberth I, Berggren A, Ahrén IL and Wold AE. (2013)Differential effect on cell-mediated immunity in human volunteers after intake of different lactobacilli. Clin Exp Immunol. 172(2):321-32.

Mao Y, Nobaek S, Adawi D, Molin G andJeppsson B. (1997) Comparison of the effects of different Lactobacillusstrains in reducing bacterial translocation on Methotrexate induced enterocolitis in rats. Digest. Surg.14: 284-291.

Adawi D, Kasravi F.B., Molin G. and Jeppsson B. (1997) Effect of Lactobacillussupplementation with and without arginine on liver damage and bacterial translocation in an acute liver injurymodel. Hepatology25:642-647.

Adawi D, Ahrné Sand Molin G. (2001) Effects of different probiotic strains of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium on bacterial translocation and liver injury in an acute liver injury model.Int J Food Microbiol. 70(3):213-20.

Additional info

Therapeutical area(s)

Gastrointestinal tract · Immune system


Gut permeability · Immune stimulation


Adults · Children · Elderly

Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus 6594 (Probi® Rhamnosus 6594) is available at

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