The two companies will work on identifying, analyzing, and understanding respiratory tract microbiome systems.
This partnership emerges as a strategic move to capitalize on the expanding global microbiome market.
Harnessing the benefits of L. plantarum PBS067, L. rhamnosus LRH020, and B. lactis BL050 for post-menopausal symptom relief.
MaaT Pharma indicates completion of patient recruitment for the Phase 2a RCT Evaluating MaaT013 in combination with immune checkpoint inhibitors in metastatic melanoma.
This strategic acquisition is set to reshape the landscape of microbiome research, extending its applications far beyond human health.
The study seeks to identify specific microbial and metabolic markers in the small intestinal fluid and blood of PD patients, offering new avenues for therapeutic intervention.
Two pioneering companies are poised to explore the genetic frontiers of probiotic bacteria, seeking out strains that can produce sustainable quantities of life-enhancing microbial metabolites.
Novozymes and Chr. Hansen have successfully merged to form Novonesis, heralding a new chapter in sustainable business practices and environmental stewardship.
Underpinning this partnership is a shared vision championed by both entities, emphasizing the interconnectedness of human, animal, and ecosystem health—a concept central to the 'One Health' approach.
Join SynBalance, platinum sponsor at Probiota Global 2024 (7-9 February, Milan), and discover the newst scientific data on ProBeautyShield, the probiotic ingredient designed for skin health.