Gastroenterology, Nutrition
Two weeks of dietary intervention are sufficient to influence host immunity, metabolism and gut microbiota composition.
Gastroenterology, Infectiology
The results of a recent study reveal that the severity of respiratory infections depends at least in part on a complex interplay between the gut microbiota and the immune system.
The results of a recent study shed light on the effects of aspirin use on the gut microbiota. The findings may also inform therapies for aspirin-mediated gastrointestinal damage.
Gastroenterology, Pediatrics
The findings of a recent study shed light on the role of complement proteins in breast milk and provide a mechanism through which breastfeeding may provide protection from certain bacterial…
The findings of a recent study suggest that antimicrobial-resistance mutations in commensal bacteria can make the microbiota surprisingly resilient to antibiotics.
Gastroenterology, Pediatrics
The findings of a recent study suggest that the gut microbiota contributes to alterations in the levels of metabolites associated with ulcerative colitis.
Gastroenterology, Events
Antonio Gomes, Principal Scientist at Xbiome, talks about employing deep learning techniques to refine the prediction of natural product structures directly from gene sets.
The findings suggest that microbial metabolites can help to predict who is at increased risk of infection after liver transplant. The results may also help to inform microbiota-targeted therapies.
Gastroenterology, Events
Elran Haber, CEO at Biomica Ltd, discussed the emerging role of microbiome-based treatments in cancer care.
The findings of a recent study shed light on why gut microbiota diversity protects against infection. The results may also inform the design of pathogen-resistant microbial communities.