
The skin microbiome: challenges and opportunities in developing probiotics

Amine Zorgani (Microbiome Mavericks) talks about the importance of the skin microbiome in maintaining skin health and the need for continued research in this field.

Probiotic sanitation as a sustainable tool for IPC and AMR control

Elisabetta Caselli, University of Ferrara (Italy), talks about a new and innovative use of probiotics to modulate the "hospital microbiome” in order to reduce the use of chemical disinfectants.

IPC 2023: probiotic business framework overview

George Paraskevakos, Executive Director at International Probiotics Association, talks about probiotic and live biotherapeutic products market evolution and perspective.

Gut microbiota as a source of Live Biotherapeutics: the F. prausnitzii case history

Philippe Langella, Research Director at the French National Institute of Agricultural Research, discussed the potential of Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii as Live Biotherapeutics for several disease.

World Microbiome Day 2023: Microbes and Food

Together with Professor Lorenzo Morelli we focused on the significant role of diet and the microbiome in terms of health benefits, food production, and agri-industry systems.

How next generation probiotics will accelerate precision medicine

Microbiomepost interviewed Lorenzo Drago, from University of Milan, during the ESGE DAYS congress, held recently in Dublin.

Discovering Wellmicro: pioneering breakthroughs in microbiome analysis for human health

Andrea Castagnetti, Antonella Padella and Matteo Soverini tell us about the activities and innovations of Wellmicro, the Italian company specializing in microbiota testing.

Postbiotics, from bench to bedside

An open discussion about definition, clinical trial design and fields of application of postbiotics with Maria Rescigno, Professor at Humanitas University of Milan.

Targeting gut microbiome for disease diagnosis and therapy

Francesco Peri, full professor at University of Milano-Bicocca, discussed the role of gut microbiome as new frontier for personalized medicine.

Human gut bacteria produce Th17-modulating bile acid metabolites

During MicrobiotaMI congress we discussed with Jun Huh, Associate Professor at Harvard University, about the research on microbiome.

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