
Locus Biosciences Receives $23.9 Million Boost for Bacteriophage Therapy Advancement in UTI Treatment

Their work in engineering bacteriophages to target pathogenic bacteria represents a significant leap in treating bacterial and inflammatory diseases.

Biocodex and My Health forge strategic alliance to revolutionize microbiota market

The partnership centers around the marketing of DUOSPORE®, a dietary supplement developed by My Health.

MetaPath project unites public and private sectors to drive innovation in microbial consortia

The MetaPath project has reached a pivotal juncture, marking a significant milestone in its journey.

Innovative Study Highlights the Power of Prebiotics in Enhancing Gastrointestinal and Sleep Health

Clasado Biosciences and PCSG Unveil Real World Evidence of Bimuno® GOS's Benefits.

A nutraceutical from Biofarma Group to support the treatment of bacterial prostatitis

The Research and Development laboratories of Biofarma Group have developed a nutraceutical with multilayer technology to target prostatitis.

Direct microbiology – the gateway to reality

Mapping microbial reality by indirect or direct methods? Vermicon AG's position.

Freya Biosciences Secures $38 Million for Pioneering Women’s Reproductive Health Treatments

The investment signals a significant advancement in developing innovative treatments for women's reproductive health issues.

Ferring Pharmaceuticals and PharmaBiome forge groundbreaking microbiome R&D and licensing partnership

Ferring Pharmaceuticals and PharmaBiome announced a comprehensive research and development collaboration today.

Boehringer Ingelheim acquires T3 Pharma, boosting immuno-oncology efforts

In a significant move to expand its immuno-oncology portfolio, Boehringer Ingelheim has acquired T3 Pharmaceuticals AG, a Swiss biotech company specializing in bacterial cancer therapy.

In silico trials: the avant-garde of clinical trials in support of Biofarma Group’s product Epatrex

Epatrex, a new nutraceutical compound formulated as a three-layer tablet containing the probiotic Lactobacillus casei LC-XCAL.

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