Science News

The development of the infant oral microbiome: understanding the role of Archaea and obligate anaerobes

Microbiomepost conducted an exclusive interview with Charlotte Neumann, researcher at Medical University of Graz, about the role of Archaea and obligate anaerobes in the development of the infant oral microbiome.

How specific immune cells sense microbiota changes during gut inflammation 

The findings indicate that MAIT cells act as detectors of gut inflammation by interacting with the microbiota.

Ratio of gut microbial communities can predict response to cancer therapy

The balance of specific microbes in the gut can help predict who will respond to immunotherapy drugs.

Probiotics and vaginal microbiota: clinical trial outcomes in post-menopausal women

Franco Vicariotto, Ospedale S. Pio X, Milan, talks about the results from a clinical trial in post-menopausal women.

A father’s gut microbes influence the infant microbiota

Maternal fecal microbiota transfer in babies born by caesarean section can help to correct alterations in microbiota composition.

Advancing One Health: Highlights from the International Human Microbiome Congress 2024

The microbiome is a key piece in the One Health puzzle given that microbes and antimicrobial resistance genes travel extensively between the different compartments, and effectively connects all healths.

Birth mode and location influence the infant gut microbiota

The findings of a recent study suggest that environmental factors are important for the development of a healthy microbiota.

The role of gut microbes in aging

Understanding how gut microbes influence biological processes related to aging may inform interventions aimed at optimizing the microbiota to promote longevity.

Fiber-rich diet and specific gut microbes may alleviate alcohol-induced liver injury

The findings of a recent study suggest that combining dietary fiber with B. acidifaciens can be a therapeutic strategy for alcoholic liver disease.

Artificial intelligence reveals a treasure trove of antimicrobial molecules

The findings suggest that artificial intelligence can help uncover new antibiotics, opening the way for new approaches to antibiotic discovery. The work also offers an open-access resource for antibiotic developers.

New antibiotic kills harmful bacteria while sparing the gut microbiota

The findings of a recent study may inform the development of antibiotics that kill harmful bacteria and not beneficial ones.

Study identifies gut microbiota differences in polycystic ovary syndrome

The findings of a recent study suggest that the gut microbiota of women with PCOS and dyslipidemia differs from that of women with PCOS only and healthy women.

A specific strain of gut bacteria boosts cancer therapy in mice

The findings of a recent study suggest that the combination of anti-PD-1 immunotherapy with a lack of TREM2 generates a gut environment that promotes inflammation, which improves tumor rejection.

How gut bacteria may impact a woman’s health

The findings of a recent study suggest that gut bacteria transform steroids into hormones that may impact a woman’s health, especially during pregnancy.

Small study reveals metformin-induced changes in the gut microbiota of diabetes patients

The findings of a recent study suggest that metformin regulates glucose metabolism by altering specific gut bacteria rather than by causing a general increase in microbial diversity.

A father’s gut microbes affect the next generation’s health and lifespan

The work, published in Nature, found a link between the gut, its microbiota and reproductive cells in mice.

A high-fat diet promotes breast cancer by altering gut microbial metabolism

The findings of a recent study suggest that Desulfovibrio can drive cancer progression, paving the way for therapeutic approached that targeting the gut microbiota.

How do worms and gut microbes interact during early life?

The authors advocate for further research on worm-microbiota interactions, suggesting that new animal models could help inform strategies for improving health during early life.

Post-surgery infections are often caused by skin bacteria

The findings of a recent study may help clinicians to select more targeted antimicrobials based on where on the body the surgery is taking place or which type of bacteria…

Vitamin D boosts cancer immunity by altering gut bacteria

The findings uncover a link between vitamin D, the immune system and gut bacteria, and they suggest that vitamin D levels could be important for cancer immunity and the efficacy…

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