
Cutting-edge human milk-derived therapy: a revolutionary approach in treating blood cancers

The therapy, combining human milk oligosaccharides (HMOs) and a specific gut bacteria strain, represents not only a scientific breakthrough but also holds substantial economic implications.

Introducing Gumtastic: SynBalance’s probiotic solution for Oral Care

Smiling ear to ear, supporting healthy teeth and mouth.

Canada endorses groundbreaking gut-brain health claims for Chr. Hansen’s probiotic strain

This approval marks a significant leap forward in our understanding of holistic health and the intricate connection between our guts and our brains.

Probiotics regulation in Europe: when lack of harmonization undermines both consumers and the industry

In Europe the probiotics sector is facing a lack of harmonization and a near-total veto on any health claims. What happened, where are we now, and what can we hope…

Gut microbiota is a key player for bone health in post-menopausal women

Bone resorption increases the risk of osteopenia and osteoporosis during and after menopause – learn about the importance of the gut microbiota to support healthy bones.

Nestlé’s innovation: elevating infant nutrition with HMOs and probiotic synergy for science-based early-life health

Nestlé, a global leader in nutrition and wellness, is taking a giant leap forward in early-life nutrition with its latest innovation – Sinergity.

Lallemand Health Solutions Acquires Dietary Pros Inc., US-Based Contract Manufacturer

The acquisition brings together two complementary forces, continue to respond to customer needs and help their growth with their respective strengths.

Expert’biome CDMO by Lallemand: leading microbiome forward

Lallemand launches Expert’Biome™ CDMO to support partners in their development of next-generation strains.

Persephone Biosciences and Ginkgo Bioworks Complete Reusable Bacteroides Anaerobic Engineering Toolkit

Persephone to utilize the Bacteroides technology for the rapid generation of therapeutics from its planned and ongoing biomarker studies, including the ARGONAUT study.

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