Travis Whitfill: ‘We’re studying new products for skin diseases’

Travis Whitfill, Co-Founder and CSO of Azitra, explains how Staphylococcus epidermidis-based products may treat various skin conditions and diseases.

Azitra Inc. is an emerging American biotech company focused on the skin microbiome, which is developing novel products for the treatment of adverse skin conditions and diseases.

As Travis Whitfill, Co-Founder and CSO of the company, explains, their efforts are mainly dedicated to developing Staphylococcus epidermidis-based products. They are conducting a phase 1 study to verify the efficacy of ‘Staph epi‘ against the skin rash caused by EGFR inhibitors in some cancer patients. Moreover, they’re collecting data for the Netherton syndrome and atopic dermatitis, hoping to get into the clinic by 2020.