
Gut microbiome affects tumor regression of oncolytic adenovirus-treated melanoma

Microbiomepost discussed with Lorella Tripodi, University Federico II of Naples, about the research she is working with her colleagues.

The most promising future application of microbiome science discussed at MicrobiotaMI congress

Microbiomepost discussed with Nicasio Mancini about the role of gut microbiome in immune response and in the antibiotic resistance.

Microbiota regulation of viral infections through interferon signalling

Microbiomepost discussed with Vanessa Harris during the MicrobiotaMI congress 2023 about viral interaction with gut microbiome.

How does Probi® Osteo work?

Watch the mode of action video to understand how this solution works to positively affect the natural balance between bone formation and bone resorption.

MicrobiotaMi 2023 highlights

Maria Rescigno, professor at Humanitas University, discusses with MicrobioomePost what emerged at MicrobiotaMI congress 2023.

Microbial therapeutics market: Sacco System launches ‘Microbiome’, the suite of active ingredients and services

Marco Caspani, Executive Director of the Microbiome Division of Sacco System, explains how the company is directing his efforts and strong focus to the field of Biotherapeutics with the launch of…

NicheMap: a platform to decipher the interactions that shape microbiomes

Gabriel Leventhal, Chief Scientific Officer at Pharmabiome, spoke about NicheMap, a reference database that allows us to select the most appropriate strains to engineer targeted changes in the microbiome.

Pharma vs food: regulatory variations

Colette Shortt, Regulatory Specialist and Visiting Professor University of Ulster, spoke about the regulatory framework for food supplements and Live Biotherapeutic products.

Assessing the link between gut microbiome and neurodegenerative diseases to explore the potential of this critical field

Shahram Lavasani, Founder & CEO at ImmuneBiotech AB, spoke about how the research in gut-brain axes could pave the way to new microbiome based therapies in neurodegenerative diseases.

Strategise how to best approach investors on the research of microbiome: a panel discussion

Tim Sharpington, Chief Executive Officer at Microbiotica, talked about how the microbiome field should navigate through a difficult financing horizon.

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