
A nursing mother’s diet alters the microbiota of her offspring, mouse study finds

The findings of a new research suggest that a mother’s diet during nursing influences her offspring’s microbiota composition, gut health and predisposition to become obese.

Some gut microbes can suppress binge-eating of sweet foods

The findings of a new research suggest that the gut microbiota can influence binge-eating of sweet foods.

High-sugar diet could disrupt microbiota, increase odds of obesity and diabetes

The findings of a new study suggest that the interplay between diet, microbiota and intestinal immunity regulates obesity, diabetes and other metabolic conditions.

Some artificial sweeteners may alter the microbiota, affect blood glucose control

A recent study suggests that the microbiome changes in response to human consumption of non-nutritive sweetener may induce glycemic changes in consumers in a personalized manner.

Gut microbe could boost growth in malnourished infants

New research suggests that B. infantis can be used to treat children with acute malnutrition.

A high fat diet can disrupt gut microbial oscillations, leading to metabolic problems

New research suggests that restoring the gut microbiota’s capacity to sense dietary signals mediated by specific host factors may improve metabolic problems.

Genes for seaweed digestion jumped from marine microbes to human gut bacteria

New research reveals that ocean-derived genes are common in the human microbiota, highlighting the interplay between diet and adaptation of human gut microbes.

Diet may affect how gut microbes evolve

Periodic variations in diet can be important to avoid the fixation of specific mutations and maintain a high genetic diversity in the microbiota.

Gut microbes help wild pandas fatten up while eating bamboo

Seasonal changes in the gut microbiota can influence growth in wild pandas and may explain how these animals compensate for the lack of nutrients in leaf-eating season. A new study…

Study characterizes the microbiota of Spaniards — and its link to the Mediterranean diet

A team of spanish researchers have published in Scientific Reports the first complete analysis of the gut microbiome of a Mediterranean country.

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