
How the vaginal microbiota protects from Chlamydia infection

The vaginal microbiota can reduce a woman’s susceptibility to Chlamydia infections. A new study could lead to new strategies against STIs.

Childbirth antibiotics have long-lasting effects on infants’ gut microbiota

Antibiotics given to mothers during childbirth could alter the infants’ gut microbiota, a new study published in Scientific Reports finds.

Maternal obesity could affect placental and fetal gut development

Obesity could affect pregnancy, researchers say. A new study may shed light on the link between maternal obesity and metabolic conditions in the progeny.

A microbiome approach to address NAFLD and intrahepatic cholestasis in pregnancy

MetaboGen is active in the field of live biotherapeutic products and on the study of liver diseases. We discussed their approach with Sara Malcus, CEO of the company.

Lars Engstrand: ‘We study the vaginal microbiome to prevent diseases’

Prof. Lars Engstrand from the Karolinska Institutet, in Stockholm, Sweden, explains how studying the vaginal microbiota could impact on reproductive medicine.

Preterm birth: a Canadian study investigates the role of the vaginal microbiota

The vaginal microbiota of women who delivered prematurely has increased richness and diversity and a higher prevalence of Mollicutes bacteria.

New study finds no evidence of a human placenta microbiota

Recent studies indicate that the placenta has a microbiota. A publication on Microbiome instead supports the classic thesis: the placenta is sterile.

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