Scientific research

Core gut microbiota signature may serve as health indicator

The study identified a core microbiota signature that may serve as a health indicator and a therapeutic target.

Understanding the gut microbiota in athletes

Standardizing microbiome analysis improves the quality and reliability of data, helping researchers to explore the gut microbiota’s impact on athletes and its relationship with health and performance.

Microbial signatures for food traceability: ensuring quality and safety from fermented wines to novel insect-based foods

The interview with Antonia Bruno, from Bicocca University of Milan (Italy), highlights research focused on using microbial signatures to enhance food traceability, ensuring both safety and quality. 

Dietary fiber, bloutia, and mucus function: uncovering potential for Next-Generation Probiotics

The interview with Björn O. Schröder from Umeå University explores groundbreaking research on the gut mucus layer, which shields intestinal tissues from bacterial invasion and inflammation.

Study sheds light on microbial diversity and antibiotic resistance

The findings improve our understanding of the genetic complexity of the human gut microbiota and its implications for health.

The impact of food additives on the microbiome: pathways to personalized health

Benoit Chassaing from institute Pasteur (France), delves into the ways various environmental factors, particularly dietary additives, affect the gut microbiome. 

Connecting the dots: nutrition, microbiota, metabolism. Key takeaways from Ri.MED Symposium 2024

In a recent Symposium chaired by Giulio Superti-Furga (The Foundation), experts gathered to explore groundbreaking research at the intersection of nutrition, microbiota, and human health. 

How gut bacteria influence inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis

The results of a recent study suggest that P. distasonis and glycitein help regulate inflammation associated with rheumatoid arthritis.

Artificial intelligence and multi-omic analysis: new frontiers in biomedical research

Microbiomepost conducted an exclusive interview with engineer Corrado Vecchi, representing Ebris, who discussed the role of artificial intelligence (AI) in processing complex data generated from multi-omic studies.

Advancing One Health: Highlights from the International Human Microbiome Congress 2024

The microbiome is a key piece in the One Health puzzle given that microbes and antimicrobial resistance genes travel extensively between the different compartments, and effectively connects all healths.

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