Lactobacillus delbrueckii P 18805


Allergy. Intestinal dysmicrobisms caused by antibiotic therapies. Diarrheal and dyspeptic syndromes due to altered bacterial flora (diarrhea, non-specific enteritis, colitis). Traveler’s diarrhea prevention.

They are deposited at the Laboratorium voor Microbiologie BCCM (Gent, Belgium). Deposit N°LMG P 18805.

Isolated from healthy human environment.

The microbial strain is not genetically modified and it is of natural origin (OMG Reg. (CE) 1829/2003 e 1830/2003).

Shelf-life raw material: 12 months when stored below -20°C or 6 months when stored below 8°C.

Also available as Active Pharmaceutical Product (API)

Scientific reference(s)

Probiotics reduce the CD34+ hemopoietic precursor cell increased traffic in allergic subjects [Mastrandrea et al. Eur. Ann. Allergy and Clin Immunol, 2004; 36 (4). 118-122].

Additional info

Therapeutical area(s)

Gastrointestinal tract · Immune system


Allergy · Diarrhea



Lactobacillus delbrueckii P 18805 is available at

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