CRESCENDO is a Transdisciplinary Doctoral Programme managed by the University of Naples Federico II through its Task Force on Microbiome Studies (, that combines facilities and experience of more than 150 Academic scientists from 14 different UNINA Departments in the areas of Biology, Medicine, Food and Agricultural Sciences, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Engineering and Social Sciences, in partnership with 24 international academic and business-oriented Partner Organisations (POs) providing training, research and secondment opportunities to all recruited PhDs.
The programme is co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme (Grant Agreement No. 101034245). CRESCENDO is recruiting 10 international Early-Stage Researchers (ESRs-PhDs) with a full employment contract of 3 years who will be involved in research and training in the Microbiome field.
The recruited PhDs will be followed in their career development by the multidisciplinary expertise network of the TFM and will be assigned to different PhD Schools according to their specific subject of investigation.
Each recruited fellow will be then also given the possibility to work in a non-academic environment at international level with a 6 months’ secondment to work in full integration with Microbiome-related activities, provided by the 24 POs acting as partners to the programme.
The Call for recruitment of 10 PhDs is open until the 30th of June 2022 to candidates of any nationality and age that respect all the eligibility and application rules reported in the page To this end, a specific Guide for applicants is available for easy downloading from this application page.
The 12 projects/PhDs courses on offer, and to apply for, are available under the page
Further information and contact
Please visit CRESCENDO website at:
For more information, please send your mail to